Many people tend to leave their washing until the very last possible moment. This can cause you unneeded stress and leave you in a rush. When rushing, you don’t tend to take the care to read washing instructions due to needing to get it done as soon as possible. 

This is where the help of a trusted, professional dry cleaner can be beneficial. Opium Dry Cleaners is the answer you have been searching for. We go above and beyond to ensure all of our customers receive a speedy and outstanding service. 

We have condensed our dry cleaning process into 3 simple steps, making it even easier for you to make an order. Here are our 3 simple steps:

  • Order through our online store, or call to arrange a collection in less than a minute
  • Next one of our friendly team member will come and collect your laundry 
  • After we have finished we will return your items fresh and folded in as little as 6 hours

We ensure our process was an easy one to follow so people of all lifestyles can benefit from our service. 

To find out more, or to make your order call us now on 02038 929 560 or you can email